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ML Work Orders/Helpdesk Ideas Portal

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Can we have inventory quantities available show from the request list without clicking into the order?

This would allow us to drop the orders down at the administrative level for a quick glance if we would be able to fill the orders without having to click into each order and jot down notes.
Rebekah Leslie about 22 hours ago in Inventory 0

Ticket Templates

It would be terrific if there were an option for ticket templates, or pre-filled tickets. It would help when creating similar type tickets for similar type situations, such as when multiple users are asking for the same thing or an issue affects m...
Guest 9 days ago in Work Orders 0

Custom Calendar

The option to add a completely custom calendar and be able to repeat for however long needed. ie. weekly, monthly, yearly. Example: We have a moisture check that needs done weekly in the winter months to prevent frozen pipes, however only needs do...
Vanessa Neuenschwander 12 days ago in Preventative Maintenance (PMs) 0

Allow URLs in Description box

In the description box, currently URLs are not allowed. Could we enable this? We receive a lot of tickets asking us to unblock websites or of websites not loading. It would be helpful for users to enter the URLs directly into the description box w...
Steph P 14 days ago in Work Orders 0

Mobile Screen Size Adjustment

The mobile version doesn't generate for the Samsung S24 Ultra due to it's large screen size and instead brings up the desktop browser version
Guest 14 days ago in Other (Provide Description) 0

Attach user name instead of just 'Admin User' when a WO is opened as a result of a Schedules Event

When a user completes a field while scheduling an event in ML Schedules that in turn opens a Work Order, that WO is always listed as created by the 'Admin User'. The name of the user who created the ML Schedules event should appear instead.
Christian Zollers 15 days ago in Integration (ML Schedules) 0

Can we get totals for quantities instead of just dollars on grouping of inventory request detail report?

When you go to inventory request detail report and group by item name it gives you the total dollar amount each item has for the filter you chose (time and status). It would be really helpful to also have it count up the total quantities as well. ...
Rebekah Leslie 20 days ago in Reports 0

close multiple work orders at once by selecting completed work orders

instead of closing each work one by one select as many completed work orders and close them all at once.
Guest 20 days ago in Work Orders 0

Attach current COI and W9 to the Vendor in Vendor list

Make it possible for our business office to monitor current vendor status for annual auditing
Guest 26 days ago in Vendors 0

Merge work orders on the same topic

We often get multiple work orders from various sources referencing the same problem. (for example three reports of a light needing to be replaced. It would be great to be able to merge them so there are fewer open WOs to track.
Christian Zollers 27 days ago in Work Orders 0