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ML Work Orders/Helpdesk Ideas Portal
Status Future consideration
Created by Salvatore Topino
Created on Nov 15, 2024

Ability to "Request an Asset"

Our school district has roughly 21 schools/sites and a warehouse. All of the schools have some custodial equipment but during the summer and breaks I have a decent amount of equipment that gets loaned out to the schools for their tasks. Like big carpet extractors and some square scrub machines and auto scrubbers. We want a system where each school could potentially see the inventory I have up at the warehouse and schedule to "rent/borrow" it for say 2 days. The system would then contact me saying x school needs this piece of equipment on x days and then I can have our warehouse workers get that piece of equipment and ideally scan it out and send it to the school. Then say after the two days of it being at that school it needs to go to another school. It would be ideal for our warehouse workers to scan it and say it's going to y school. In the system in my mind there would be another request that has been sent to me saying they need that piece of equipment and that would trigger the need to take it from one school to the next. I don't know if this is all too much or a total dream on my part to be able to track all of this stuff and have employees schedule their equipment needs.

We have used Destiny its' basically a library system and I find some issues with that system and user friendliness. I have also gone as far as to try to use google forms with a qr code to have people "rent/use" the equipment. That system almost fits our needs but it won't stop people from over booking a piece of equipment. So say I have 3 carpet extractors that were in stock and I have 4 people asking for them. It won't say it's unavailable. All of the systems we are looking at if it could tie into google calendar would be major for us. I don't know if your system can meet these

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