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ML Work Orders/Helpdesk Ideas Portal
Status Being Reviewed
Categories Assets
Created by Joe D'Urso
Created on Nov 21, 2024

Provide more info on the Check-in and Check-Out Assets pages

More info on the Assets > Check-Out and Check-In Assets pages would be useful. A "No results found" message is often displayed, but this could mean a lot of things - Was the asset already checked in or out? Is there a user permissions issue? Does the asset not exist in the system at all?

"No results found" should only be displayed if the asset truly doesn't exist. If the check-in/check-out action can't be performed, the system should indicate why. A simple message that the asset has already been checked in/out, user doesn't have adequate permissions, etc. would be very helpful.

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  • Admin
    Salvatore Topino
    Nov 25, 2024

    thank you for the ideas submission @Guest - I can see this being helpful. I'll review this internally and follow up with any questions.