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ML Work Orders/Helpdesk Ideas Portal
Status Future consideration
Categories Roles Users
Created by Salvatore Topino
Created on Feb 2, 2024

Make roles only able to create/view only specific problem types and purposes

Make so that we can assign certain roles limited amount "Purpose" and "Problem types" to fill out. Also the same sort of setting for Viewing access too, if the "View all WOs" is checked in role rights to view only the selected "Purposes" and "Problem types".
This would be useful for creating tickets, because right now we have a lot of "Purposes" and "Problem types", and regular users see all the options which can confuse them. There are also some problem types that we do not want regular users to see as they do not have the access to those products/applications. We want to have it so that the users can only make tickets for certain problem types.
For example we have a purpose that is "Support - Network" and a problem type in that field called "VPN Access". Most of our users do not have access to the VPN, so we do not want them to see this "Problem type" thinking that they could request access to the VPN, when they do not have the ability to. Having roles that can only make certain types of tickets would be helpful so that users would not get confused, and so that users do not have more access to creating tickets then they need.

This would also be useful for Ticket viewing purposes too. If we could set up a role that can only see some specific "Problem types" but for a whole building. For example we have people at some of our buildings that help with the Chromebook repair process. So we wanted to give them access to view all "Chromebook repair" problem type tickets, for the building they are in, but we cannot do that. We were stuck with the choice of either giving them access to "view all tickets" in the building, or only the ones that they create.
"View all tickets" setting causes an issue for the user because it gives them a lot of tickets they would need to filter through, and it may give that user access to the tickets that they probably should not need to be aware of. If we had the ability to set roles with the ability to view specific "Problem Types", then we could give some users the ability to see WOs about specific hardware that is in their building, without having to be assigned the ticket or be put as another notified user.

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