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ML Work Orders/Helpdesk Ideas Portal
Status Future consideration
Categories Inventory
Created by Salvatore Topino
Created on Feb 2, 2024

Inventory Resource Types

I am writing to suggest a new feature that I believe would be helpful to many school districts, including my own. The feature I am proposing is Inventory Consumption Types.

There are two types of consumption that I believe would be useful to have as options:

Borrowable: This would allow items like chairs for events and mice for training sessions to be checked out to a location. It would include a record of the request and a "return by" date, either chosen by the requester or set by the approver.

Non-Borrowable: This would be useful for items like AA batteries, cleaning fluids, and items used in repairs. It would allow these items to be tracked and accounted for without the need for a "return by" date.

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