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ML Work Orders/Helpdesk Ideas Portal
Status Future consideration
Categories Inventory
Created by Salvatore Topino
Created on Feb 7, 2024

Create Setting to handle removing inventory item from submit inventory request page if the item is selected for the request and moved to the "cart/confirmation" page

  • I've had quite a few people ask me if we could request that once they add an item to their "cart" on request inventory that it leaves the item selection page. It isn't a huge issue if you're just ordering one or two different items, but if you're ordering a ton of stuff it gets hard to find the items you are searching for whether it be via a filter, the search bar, or just from scrolling. It's a lot of extra noise. Or at the very least they return to where they belong in the list (so if you search for pens the paper towels you ordered wouldn't show up because the word pens isn't in that item).

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