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ML Work Orders Ideas Portal
Status Future consideration
Created by Jessaca Lawrence
Created on Apr 25, 2024

Multiple Work Orders For Procedure Steps

It would be great if you could generate multiple work orders for procedure steps. We add mandated inspection reports to our PMs and want to create work orders for each corrective action. At this time, you can only create one work order per step.

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  • Jessaca Lawrence
    May 8, 2024

    Yes. We create PMs for mandated inspection reports at each of our schools. For example, a building inspection completed at an elementary school might have 5 different deficiencies that need corrective action. One of the procedure steps is to "review inspection report for deficiencies". It would be great to make a work order for each deficiency right from that procedure step.

    1 reply
  • Admin
    Salvatore Topino
    May 8, 2024

    Hi @Guest , Just wanted to follow up on my last idea comment. Can you provide some more context behind the need to create multiple Work Orders from one procedure step? Can you provide examples of corrective actions in this scenario? This will just help us make sure were understanding where you are coming from. Thank you!

  • Admin
    Salvatore Topino
    Apr 25, 2024

    Hi @Guest , thank you for the idea submission! Can you provide an example of what kind of work orders you would need to generate in this case where generating 1 work order per step is not enough. The extra context will be helpful, thank you!