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ML Work Orders/Helpdesk Ideas Portal

Admin Settings

Showing 17

Approval Path Add Field for Purpose

It would be useful to add a field in Approval Paths for Purpose. We could add an additional approval representative based on purpose then problem type to ensure it gets to the correct department and has all of the proper approvals.
Vanessa Neuenschwander 7 months ago in Admin Settings 1 Future consideration

Give the ability to see things in numerical order

Assets and Inventory for us have a letter code followed by a numerical code. So CS1, CS2, etc. It's really frustrating when you click "ascending"/"descending" and it shows CS1, CS11, CS12, etc. I can see some people might want to view them this wa...
Rebekah Leslie 10 months ago in Admin Settings 1 Future consideration

Adding sub-categories for Problem Types

As a IT admin I would like the option of adding sub-categories to Problem Types so the end user submitting a work order can be more specific in their request. Instead of having a separate Problem Type for each of the following, they could be group...
Salvatore Topino about 1 year ago in Admin Settings 0 Future consideration

Have first response times/first contact times based on Problem Types/Purposes

Want to be able to link first response times and contact times based on problem types that they can add to tickets. For example - "Thank you for submitting your work order, we typically respond to Electrical work orders within X days"
Salvatore Topino about 1 year ago in Admin Settings / Notifications / Work Orders 0 Future consideration

Create "Change log" tab concept at district settings level where changes to districts settings are tracked by who and when

Not being able to know what settings where changed and when can be frustrating. Being able to solve this on our own rather than needing to go through ML support would be great!
Salvatore Topino about 1 year ago in Admin Settings 0 Future consideration

Allow for users to configure row density on our grid pages

Have options for users to configure row density for each grid
Salvatore Topino about 1 year ago in Admin Settings 0 Future consideration

Bring Floors and Campus/Locations menu options from settings to be nested within Locations menu for more intuitive experience

Currently you can access manage buildings and spaces from "locations" & "settings" - setup items, but you can only access campus/locations & floor from setting. It would be more intuitive to bring over Campus/Location and Floors from the s...
Salvatore Topino about 1 year ago in Admin Settings 0 Future consideration