We have used the status of HOLD to indicate parts or contracted services are needed. Once the parts are ordered or call for service has been placed being able to place the Work Order status to "Parts on Order" would allow for easier tracking.
Hi Jeff! Thank you for the idea submission. Just so I have a better understanding of the request, can you clarify why customizing the ON HOLD status in ML Work Orders will not work for this use case?
The page in the below screenshot can be found in Settings -> Setup Items -> Manage Work Order Status
And we want to be able to add custom statuses. Like "Sent to repair"
Hi Jeff! Thank you for the idea submission. Just so I have a better understanding of the request, can you clarify why customizing the ON HOLD status in ML Work Orders will not work for this use case?
The page in the below screenshot can be found in Settings -> Setup Items -> Manage Work Order Status