A constant pain point is managing/tracking staff training, certifications, licenses that are used for work. Often it is found that they have been expired for years and can cause a liability nightmare.
Currently the ownership this is on the staff member to track and renew as needed but that often does not happen.
Having this at the user level can also allow for WO's with certain problem types filter to users that have the certification rather than all users in that role.
Users can have more than 1 cert with different expiration dates and terms (1 year, 3 year, 5 year)
Allow for image/file but not required
Notify/create WO to the admin (or assigned manager) within 30 days of expiration
Allow for notes to be added (website, physical license location, governing body, training material)
OSHA (several different ones)
Confined spaces
Lift operator
some cleaning chemicals
food safety
electrical certifications
Low voltage termination
Networking certifications
manufacturer specific trainings
many more