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ML Work Orders/Helpdesk Ideas Portal

Issues (Capital Forecasting)

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When Completing an Issue, it should complete all linked work orders

When an Issue is marked complete, it should update all linked work order status to complete. This way it saves a bunch of manual effort to keep my work order information up to date.
Salvatore Topino 9 months ago in Issues (Capital Forecasting) / Work Orders 0 Future consideration

Ability to Convert Work Orders to an Issue

Sometimes when work orders are logged, the resolution is something we cant implement right away. We need to defer the maintenance for the work and plan the work at a future date. This is where being able to convert work orders to issues comes into...
Salvatore Topino 9 months ago in Issues (Capital Forecasting) / Work Orders 0 Future consideration

Issues Module - Create a concept of building types that can store all applciable systems and sub-systems with cost per square foot bench mark data.

Create a concept of building types that can store all applicable systems and sub-systems with cost-per-square-foot benchmark data. This way when we create a building area, it will already know the type and all the system/subsystem benchmark cost i...
Salvatore Topino 8 months ago in Issues (Capital Forecasting) 0 Future consideration

ISSUES Module - Mass create issues based on asset replacement data

having the ability to mass create "issues" based on the assets replacement dates within MLW. If users are entering replacement dates and replacement costs for their assets, we need to make sure there is an easy way for them to push that informatio...
Salvatore Topino 12 months ago in Assets / Issues (Capital Forecasting) 0 Future consideration

Create a Building Area Detail Page to look and feel like user detail page

No description provided
Salvatore Topino 12 months ago in Issues (Capital Forecasting) 0 Future consideration

Update Issue Detail Page to look and feel like User detail page

No description provided
Salvatore Topino 12 months ago in Issues (Capital Forecasting) 0 Future consideration

Allow Top Level Search to search for Issues (Capital Forecasting)

With the new Issues module in MLW, it would be very convenient to be able to search on issues from the top level search so I dont need to click into the module to search
Salvatore Topino about 1 year ago in Issues (Capital Forecasting) / Top Level Search 0 Future consideration