Add the ability for vendors to track insurance, contract pricing, files
Similar to the insurance documents that are stored in MLS and notify when expired the same should be possible for vendors. Also if there is a contract for negotiated pricing that has an expiration date this should be stored in a similar fashion. T...
Dan Grassel
5 months ago
in Vendors
Future consideration
Would like the ability to add outside contractors/vendors email addresses to work orders without having to create them as a user within ML Work Orders and assign vendors to work orders.
can there be additional areas to include more than 1 contact for a vendor. We have a lot of Vendors in their system, and some vendors have more than 1 contact. Right now there is only room to add 1 contact per vendor
Salvatore Topino
about 1 year ago
in Vendors
Future consideration
When in the vendors section on ML Work Orders I cannot see all the information I have plugged in when adding a new vendor ex notes it would be helpful to see that bit when looking at the full list
Salvatore Topino
12 months ago
in Vendors
Future consideration
we have many vendors that are specific to either Tech or Maintenance/custodial so we would like to separate out specific vendors to make our users dropdown lists a bit more specific to their roles
Salvatore Topino
about 1 year ago
in Vendors / Work Orders
Future consideration
For many of the vendors we have open PO's for annual purchases that stay open all year When in the WO we need to type the PO every time. At the end of the year we run a report to see totals.
Salvatore Topino
about 1 year ago
in Vendors
Future consideration