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ML Work Orders/Helpdesk Ideas Portal


Showing 27 of 310

Urgent WO text messages to all staff

Our IT director would like to receive a text message for every Urgent work order without being added as additionally notified on all ticket types. If our entire team could receive the text that would be great. We had this ability with our previous...
Cheryl Persinger 3 months ago in Notifications 2 Being Reviewed

Ability to post Custom Alert to all users on login page

I would like the ability to post an alert on the main login page if there is a widespread issue so not everyone is creating a work order for the same issue.
Salvatore Topino about 1 year ago in Notifications 6 Future consideration

@ tagging in notes that overrides email preferences.

It would be useful to be able to tag someone to a note in a work order/inventory request even if they have the notes box unchecked on their email preferences. Some people uncheck all the boxes, which I get, but it makes requesting details difficul...
Rebekah Leslie 3 months ago in Notifications 2 Being Reviewed

Create a seperate Email section of WO

The Notes section is great, but a longer ticket with back and forth resposes may bury actual Notes. Maybe create an Email section that is simply a reply without the Work order email formating. This would be a separate section that would be an exte...
Guest 6 months ago in Notifications 3 Being Reviewed

Automatically change status based on notes being sent to requestor

For example if you add a note back to the requestor it can automatically update the status to “On Hold - Awaiting Response”. Or if they don’t reply back after x number of days it can auto send them an email and then after that email if they don’t ...
Salvatore Topino 12 months ago in Notifications / Work Orders 0 Future consideration

Allow admin to also control users profile page email notification preferences

I would prefer to set up the email notifications instead of allowing the user. This has worked out best when using Schooldude. 
Salvatore Topino about 1 year ago in Notifications 0 Future consideration

Receive Notifications in ML Without Requiring Email Notifications

Our facilities secretary who manages WOs for the district, wants to receive notifications within MasterLibrary but the emails are clogging up her email inbox. When we disable email notifications setting in the user profile it does not generate any...
Charles Whetstone 9 months ago in Notifications 1 Future consideration

PM Name included in Email

Is there a way to include the Name of the PM in the email to the people that it is assigned to? We do get the notes but would nice to have the name as well.Thanks!Matt
Salvatore Topino 10 months ago in Notifications / Preventative Maintenance (PMs) 0 Future consideration

Custom check out emails with email acknowledgement

would like to be able to add text to the check out email that requires an acknowledgement from the person that gets that email. This would need to be an asset type specific setting due to the unique details for each. EX 1 - Keys. Usually when you...
Salvatore Topino 12 months ago in Assets / Notifications 0 Future consideration

Add "Priority" as a field with auto-notify, auto-assign, approval paths

it's important for certain users at the district to be notified when a WO is marked as a high or urgent priority.
Salvatore Topino about 1 year ago in Admin Settings / Notifications 0 Future consideration