Priority, purpose, problem type, and even procedure and budget code fields could be defaulted based on the user's typed description. Customers should have the option to turn this on and off, I think.
Ability to submit a purchase order linked to a work order
Sometimes when a technician is working on a work order they realize that they need to purchase a part in order to complete the work order. They should be able to submit a purchase order directly from a work order which would then get sent through ...
A timeline view would help get a better sense of the actions that took place for the Work Order from where it started to where it is now. As we all know, additional context can matter a lot depending on the task at hand. User "x" was assigned this...
Salvatore Topino
12 months ago
in Reports / Work Orders
Future consideration
In the print detail PDF form for Work Orders, include QR code to link back to WO detail page
As a technician in the field relays on printed work orders to complete my job, it would be convenient to have a QR code on the printed work orders to easily go right into ML Work Orders and make updates right in the work order
Add "Skills" to Users that are related to Problem Type
Ability to link users to problem types Define Skills related to Problem Types Add Skills to Users as Primary Skill and Secondary Skill AI can then suggest who should be assigned WOs based on the Problem Type of the WO and who has Primary Skills th...
Salvatore Topino
12 months ago
in Work Orders
Future consideration