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ML Work Orders/Helpdesk Ideas Portal

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Mobile Screen Size Adjustment

The mobile version doesn't generate for the Samsung S24 Ultra due to it's large screen size and instead brings up the desktop browser version
Guest 14 days ago in Other (Provide Description) 0

Merge work orders on the same topic

We often get multiple work orders from various sources referencing the same problem. (for example three reports of a light needing to be replaced. It would be great to be able to merge them so there are fewer open WOs to track.
Christian Zollers 27 days ago in Work Orders 0

Check In/Out Assets by Serial Number

Many Assets have a scannable serial number. The ability to scan the serial to check assets in/out would be convenient. We add a scannable barcode tag to all our Assets, but these sometimes get worn/faded or are removed. We can search by serial to ...
Joe D'Urso 4 months ago in Assets 0 Being Reviewed

Change Asset Status without having to check-in Asset

Could we have the ability to change the Asset Status to something other than "In Use" without having to first check the asset in/remove it from the user record? An example - We track student Chromebooks using ML. If a student loses their Chromeboo...
Joe D'Urso 4 months ago in Assets 1 Being Reviewed

Attach user name instead of just 'Admin User' when a WO is opened as a result of a Schedules Event

When a user completes a field while scheduling an event in ML Schedules that in turn opens a Work Order, that WO is always listed as created by the 'Admin User'. The name of the user who created the ML Schedules event should appear instead.
Christian Zollers 15 days ago in Integration (ML Schedules) 0

Dark Mode

I love all things dark mode.
Guest 9 months ago in Users 1 Future consideration

Status of "Out for service" for tech items

When technology sends out a laptop or device for service we would like to put the status of ticket to reflect that the device is out. Currently the ticket status is in progress causing us to have to look at the ticket to see the details of said it...
Guest 3 months ago in Work Orders 1 Being Reviewed

Check in/out alphabetical

When trying to check in or check something out to someone if you start typing in a name they come up all out of order. It would be so much easier to find someone if it was alphabetical. Or at least if your able to search by last time it should pop...
Guest about 2 months ago in Assets 0

Ability to have custom fields show up on requests for internal users only (Admin and Technicians)

For example they need to track Additional Account Codes on a request. They need to be able to build a custom field that does not show on the request form for basic requestors. When building custom fields have an option to determine where the field...
Dan Grassel 2 months ago in Work Orders 0 Being Reviewed

Provide more info on the Check-in and Check-Out Assets pages

More info on the Assets > Check-Out and Check-In Assets pages would be useful. A "No results found" message is often displayed, but this could mean a lot of things - Was the asset already checked in or out? Is there a user permissions issue? Do...
Joe D'Urso 3 months ago in Assets 1 Being Reviewed