Inventory request "continue" button is confusing for requestors.
The blue "Continue" button when placing an inventory request is often overlooked. Can this be a shopping cart icon or to keep with the words "Shopping Cart"? And maybe add it at the bottom of the screen as well?
Improve Formatting of Work Orders Submitted via Email
Work orders submitted via email are hard to read because recipients, the subject, and the email body are added to the work order as continuous text without character returns.
Ability to post Custom Alert to all users on login page
I would like the ability to post an alert on the main login page if there is a widespread issue so not everyone is creating a work order for the same issue.
Salvatore Topino
about 1 year ago
in Notifications
Future consideration
We have used the status of HOLD to indicate parts or contracted services are needed. Once the parts are ordered or call for service has been placed being able to place the Work Order status to "Parts on Order" would allow for easier tracking.
8 months ago
in Work Orders
Being Reviewed
QR code or running log to track vehicle mileage and maintenance
I have recently added vehicle scheduling into ML Schedules. A vehicle is a "space" that can be reserved. Once reserved, a workorder is generated to have our O&M staff prep the vehicle. What would be nice is to have a QR code in the vehicle tha...
For WO's generated for reservations, there should be an Auto Complete setting option for once the reservation date passes. There is no reason for it to remain open once date passes for the event.