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ML Work Orders/Helpdesk Ideas Portal

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Display linked inventory items to Assets on Work Order

A technician needs to be able to pull up a WO, and see the asset and its components but beyond that, see the linked inventory items to that asset so the technician can know which inventory items need to be requested to complete the WO.
Salvatore Topino about 1 year ago in Assets / Work Orders 0 Future consideration

Ability to Create and Apply Service Level Agreements (SLAs) to Requests

As an IT administrator, I want to define and enforce Service Level Agreements (SLAs) within the help desk ticketing software, so that I can ensure timely responses and resolutions for support tickets, improving service quality and user satisfactio...
Salvatore Topino about 1 year ago in Labor / Reports / Work Orders 0 Future consideration

Have submit inventory request page always display selected inventory items if no request has been submitted yet

I've gotten a few complaints from too busy administrative assistants about items in their inventory request carts disappearing after a day. Yes, an easy solution would be to complete the order right away, but then an angry parent calls, Lucy pushe...
Salvatore Topino about 1 year ago in Inventory 0 Future consideration

Meter Based PMs - Ability to generate a WO from a PM based on mileage/hours

It would be helpful to track mileage on my PMs so that I can more accurately plan PMs for my fleet of vehicles.
Salvatore Topino about 1 year ago in Preventative Maintenance (PMs) 0 Future consideration

Custom Work Order ID Numbers

Is it possible to make custom work order ID numbers, based on the request type? I think having custom WOIDs should be optional for each request type. So that some request types can continue on an sequential format with each other, but those with c...
Salvatore Topino about 1 year ago in Admin Settings / Work Orders 5 Future consideration

Asset Status - Warranty Replacement

Please add an option to the Asset Status dropdown for "Warranty Replacement"
Salvatore Topino about 1 year ago in Assets 0 Future consideration

I would like to see Asset QR Code settings be set for individual users rather than company wide.

As a systems technician I would like to be able to set my Asset QR code settings have have them stay regardless if another technician goes in under their logins and change for their needs.
Salvatore Topino about 1 year ago in Assets / QR Codes/Barcodes 0 Future consideration

Confidential indicator for certain entries

Allow an administrator to assign a work order as confidential. Meaning if a teacher submitted a work order regarding a vandalism and we have investigations that involve our School Resource Office, pictures, police report, etc. and we want to mark ...
Salvatore Topino about 1 year ago in Admin Settings / Work Orders 0 Future consideration

Can we make Canned Responses optional?

We have problems getting the maintenance workers to fill out genuine notes on work orders. My boss would like the option to turn off canned responses.
Rebekah Leslie 7 months ago in Work Orders 1 Being Reviewed

Duo (2 Factor Authentication) Integration

As a director of IT, it is my job to ensure our district applications meet appropriate levels of security protocols, creating a 2-factor auth. for ML Work Orders will meet my security needs and minimize chances of security breach for my district s...
Salvatore Topino about 1 year ago in Integrations (External) 0 Future consideration