Be able to adjust inventory inside the item with just the up down arrows.
If I'm already inside an item when I realize the item number needs adjusting it's time consuming to click "edit stock" and then have to again click an edit button inside the item edit. It would be much quicker to just use the arrows and a pop-up l...
Salvatore Topino
about 1 year ago
in Inventory
Future consideration
As of right now, you can add assets with the same name as long as serial, barcode, and buildings are different. This can still cause some confusion and we would like to require asset name to be unique. This could be a setting as well.
Salvatore Topino
about 1 year ago
in Assets
Future consideration
Make it so that the Procedure fields can be filled out one at a time, and make it so that if the info in procedural step is not updated by another user, the time and the user who originally completed the step is still marked down and is not overwr...
Have grid level search apply to only existing filter set only
Right now, when applying a search on the work order pages, while I have a filter applied is returning results outside of my applied filter set, which can be really confusing and frusturating. I need the search to look at only the filtered work ord...
Salvatore Topino
7 months ago
in Work Orders
Being Reviewed
Technology and maintenance departments use ML Work Orders. Both have Requestors. Maintenance has 60 requestors. Technology has hundreds. There is no way to only view maintenance requestors to update without having to fish through hundreds of names...
Support tags in emails to automatically perform/map actions
Similar to how Zendesk supports auto assignment tags, support within ML Work Orders emails. Some examples we'd like to see: #Assign [username] (ie., #assign edavidson) Replying (with permissions) to an email with this would assign the ticket to th...
Eric Davidson
7 months ago
in Work Orders
Being Reviewed
We would like the ability for new users to be created (defaulted to requester for all types & buildings) when they submit a WO via email. It would have to look at the original sender because we have a forwarding rule (they email helpdesk@...)....