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ML Work Orders/Helpdesk Ideas Portal

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Create a search bar in the View all Assets "Columns" button - menu pop up

when adding columns to the Assets grid, it's a bit cumbersome to scroll through the list of Columns that we need to added to the grid. If there was a way to easily search on what were looking for, it would make our lives easier and the rest of my ...
Salvatore Topino about 1 year ago in Assets 0 Future consideration

Add the Note (Section Field) to the mass updates - Assets

We view all assets and select which asset we want to update. Then we select Actions, is there a way you can add the Note (Section Field to the mass updates) this is where we document things, example, what work has been done etc...
Salvatore Topino about 1 year ago in Assets 0 Future consideration

InTune (Device - Asset Integration for Microsoft)

Being able to bring in all of our Microsoft devices into ML Work Orders would greatly help tracking that device information for reporting purposes and associating those devices on work orders too
Salvatore Topino about 1 year ago in Assets / Integrations (External) 0 Future consideration

Allow mass update for custom fields

Being able to mass update custom fields would be extremely helpful to keep custom field values up to date.
Salvatore Topino about 1 year ago in Assets 0 Future consideration

Add "Priority" as a field with auto-notify, auto-assign, approval paths

it's important for certain users at the district to be notified when a WO is marked as a high or urgent priority.
Salvatore Topino about 1 year ago in Admin Settings / Notifications 0 Future consideration

PMs are only given minutes to complete I would like to give days

When a PM is assigned you can only assign minutes to complete the task. We have big buildings and some PMs require more time. I would like to be able to set the amount of time either in hours or days. Like give a custodian a week to complete the PM.
Salvatore Topino about 1 year ago in Preventative Maintenance (PMs) 0 Future consideration

Link inventory items together

If you could "link" inventory items together like assets and inventory or components. So from the item page where there's "Detail, Files, History" it would have one that said "related inventory". So you could put lead that goes with specific mecha...
Salvatore Topino about 1 year ago in Inventory 0 Future consideration

Create Work Orders from MLS based Building and Date as an option

This would prevent a lot of redundant work orders from being created in ML Work Orders
Salvatore Topino about 1 year ago in Integration (ML Schedules) / Work Orders 7 Will not implement

change color for every other row in work orders to easily visualize each work order

It is often hard for me to see which details pertain to the work order I'm seeing before i click on one because the background is all white. If we could change the color of every other row to distinguish them apart or even add lines in between the...
Guest 5 months ago in Work Orders 1 Being Reviewed

Allow to customize how work orders display when being printed

it would be good to be able to customize how the work order prints out. in this way you could list the most pertinent information first. currenly all of the user information of the job is listed first. we would like the option to move the fields s...
Salvatore Topino about 1 year ago in Work Orders 2 Future consideration